The Seeker's Muse

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A name change and this week's musings

Since my book artist, Tara Mirakian, drew the beautiful rock spiral, I have been slowly integrating it into my website and posts. I just love it! With that, I’ve also changed the name of my coaching practice to The Seeker’s Muse. It is my intention, to work with you towards the changes you want to make in your life, in wellness, relationships, or spirituality but with a softer more supportive feeling to the coaching practice name. I hope you like it.


group coaching returns monday evening 6:30 - 8:00 pm EST. The cost is $25/session. an investment in your future self for sure.


our spiritual book club group recently learned about the labyrinth from my good friend, Kathe. She taught us how this powerful tool can support you in your spiritual practices.

When you walk the labyrinth, follow the four R’s. Remember, Release, Receive, Return.

When you enter, Remember you are blessed. Take time to be grateful for your life and the people and experiences in it.

As you walk, Release any details, distractions or extraneous thoughts. Open your heart and allow your mind to quiet.

When you reach the center, Receive whatever is there for you. Stay for as long as you like.

When you leave the labyrinth, Return take back out into the world that which you received.

Our Stowe Community Labyrinth at Stowe Elementary School