The Seeker's Muse

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What Ninja and Ivy are teaching me.

I have two cats. They are siblings. One is a black cat (the one pictured) named Ninja and the other, a calico, named Ivy. The other morning, I glanced over from my Peloton and noticed how Ninja was waiting for his next meal. I got lazy a few months back and purchased an automatic feeder. He waits in his Docker’s box at the edge of the dining room table and stares at the automatic feeder. I’m fairly confident he doesn’t tell time because if he did, he would realize he has a minimum of two hours before his next meal. Ivy, on the other hand, goes about her business which only involves some form of sleeping (on a bunk bed, on my side of the bed, in my husband’s clothes he has left on the bed). She couldn't care less when the next meal was going to happen. Ninja is future-oriented. Ivy is present-oriented. I’m not confident an animal can be past-oriented, but I definitely am. This only came from giving some thought to my thoughts. All humans fall into these three categories with past, present, or future orientations. I didn’t know a cat could be future-oriented. I thought all animals were just deeply present. That is why it is so comforting to spend time with them. They are here, now. However, Ninja taught me something I should have known all along - he lives to eat no matter when that might be. That might be why he isn’t the most snuggly of types. He doesn’t want to waste time being with me, he’d rather be contemplating and preparing for when the food drops into his bowl. He is mission-oriented no matter the time of day. If he had an Enneagram type it would be either a 3, 7, or 8! They are doers, planners, and wondering “what’s next?”.

In the Enneagram world, there are three types of stances (Hornevian stances) which are the ways we approach life and get what we need: Compliant (Types 1, 2, and 6) Assertive (Types 3, 7, and 8), and Withdrawn (4, 5 and 9). Ivy is compliant - she lives in the present and is much more affectionate than Ninja. Ninja is assertive - he lives in the future and is mission-oriented (“When is the next time I eat?”), and I am withdrawn - where I focus on the past (observing the world and trying to figure things out). Knowing this about yourself doesn’t excuse you from these types of behaviors (I’m pretty sure, I can’t convince Ninja to change his ways), rather this knowledge opens our minds to other possibilities. You see, many of us are going through life without giving much thought to the why behind our actions. Understanding your Enneagram type will shed some light on this (among many other things) including your Hornevian Stance.

If you have already been typed and would like to meet again for a 15-minute follow-up to clarify your typing (I’m getting better at this!) OR you would like to schedule a FREE typing session, I would love to see you! Schedule those opportunities now: 15-minute follow-up or FREE Enneagram typing.

This week’s blog: Threes Path to Wholeness